Monday, September 10, 2012

Romney- Obama ignored food Stamps, Unemployment

Romney- Obama ignored food Stamps, Unemployment: Feisty Mitt Romney returned to campaign Monday debuted a new line of attack, he hopes to put on the offensive in the campaign, which has changed in favor of President Obama.

Romney attacked Obama on budget cuts to protect the nation, he said, would jeopardize national security and the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. The Republican candidate also accused Obama not adequately address the unemployment rate stubbornly in his speech last week at the Democratic National Convention.
"" Next "is his campaign slogan," said Romney. "I think that" warned "is a better term. We know what would happen if he was elected. Would like to see more years of unemployment."

Comments Romney supporters at a rally in 1200 at a plant in Mansfield has a new national polls show Obama enjoys a strong increase in the vote after signing an agreement last week. Sounder Romney declared Obama "bounce" in a memo released Monday, but compared to the "sugar" and claimed that Romney has the advantage of long-term president.

In his speech here, Romney criticized Obama for not having sufficiently reflected in his convention speech, unemployment, or that 47 million Americans are now on food stamps.

"This is not a number or people, he said in his speech, the convention," said Romney.

A man in the crowd shouted: "This is not the fault of Bush," to which Romney replied: "Yes."

"Not only is [Obama] does not mention these people, he does not mention that he would do to help people get back to work," said Romney. "He has no plan. His idea is that" Obamacare »and stimulus all you need. I do not want "Obamacare", and I do not want another stimulus, as the last. '

Obama's campaign responded that Romney was equally evasive, saying it did not provide sufficient information on how it will replace Obama's health care overhaul or how he would pay for his proposed tax reductions for the wealthiest Americans.

"Mitt Romney knows it's political suicide level with the American people about his" secret "agenda, so he wanders from the truth at all times", a spokesman for the Obama campaign Lis Smith said in a statement. "The American people will not return to the same formula as the economy collapsed and devastated the middle class in the first place - they want to go forward."


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Obama aid Unemployed Worker

U.S. President Barack Obama is trying to restore the American economy, one job at a time - literally.

The president asked the questioner online town hall Monday to send him a resume of her husband, insisting that he wanted to see why the man lost his job, despite his background as a semiconductor engineer.

"I meant what I said. If you send me a resume of your husband I would be interested to know what's going on right there," U.S. President Barack Obama told the questioner, Jennifer Weddell, Fort Worth, Texas.

He said Weddell, in accordance with what he heard from the industry, such high-tech industries are in great demand and her husband should be able to find a job immediately.

Weddell told President Barack Obama that, despite the fact that he said her husband was unemployed for three years. She wanted to know why foreign workers receive visas for highly skilled work.

The exchange came as President Barack Obama appeared in a live video chat room known as "hangouts" of social networking online search giant Google, the site Google Plus. He responded to questions submitted to Google, and through YouTube, as well as interact live with the Weddell Sea and four other hangouts.

This is part of White House attention to social media.

Mr. Obama also asked to justify its use of unmanned drone strikes the administration, claiming that they are used rationally.


Monday, July 19, 2010

Obama GPO Unemployment

Obama GPO Unemployment:US President Barack Obama took aim at Monday congressional Republicans, accusing them of holding the public hostage to Washington's policy by blocking the extended unemployment benefits for millions of unemployed Americans.

"It is time to do what is right, but not at the next election, but for the middle class," Obama said in a statement the President jawboning in the Rose Garden on Monday morning.

Legislators have struggled for a week over the legislation, expansion of unemployment benefits to workers who have been unemployed for a long time. The last such extension expired at the end of May, resulting in about 2.5 million people without benefits, with hundreds of thousands more loss of benefits every week.

The Senate is set to take up the measure again on Tuesday, immediately after the swearing-in replacement of the late Senator Robert Byrd. Filling the site will give Democrats 60 votes needed to block Republican obstruction.

The argument Mr. Obama has become a familiar one, but Democrats are trying to use the Republican blockade of unemployment benefits as a wedge issue heading into November's midterm elections.

On Monday, he tried to throw his Republican opponents as hypocrites for having voted for the extension of unemployment benefits, when his Republican predecessor, President George W. Bush was in the White House, but not now. He accused Republican leaders subscribe to what he called erroneous that unemployment assistance for people, reduces the incentive to carefully examine the work.

"Such a position, I think, reflects a lack of faith in the American people," Obama said.

He noted that out of the people he hears from "not looking for handouts. They desperately want to work. Just now, they can not find work."

"They are honest, decent, hardworking people who have fallen on hard times, not her own fault."

$ 34 billion needed to extend the benefits to be borrowed, adding to the growth of the country's debt. Republicans tapped into public anger and concern over public debt, arguing that it would support the extension of unemployment benefits only if the account was paid.


The Unemployment case:Oregon Unemployment

Great Seal of the State of OregonImage via Wikipedia
Oregon UnemploymentDuring the fiscal crisis of the state this summer is brutal economic truth  in relation to the rest of America, Oregon is becoming poorer. Oregon was poorer in relative terms, for decades, and the Great Recession has a low-level.
Oregon is currently the 32nd among the countries in per capita personal income, as well as in Oregon to earn a little more than 90 percent on average for the same measurement. This is the lowest figures for Oregon because the federal government started keeping measurements - about the same time, the stock market fell in 1929.
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Nevada Unemployment

32 in by 32 in (900 mm by 900 mm) Nevada State...Image via Wikipedia
Nevada Unemployment:The rapid growth of unemployment in Nevada could play a big role in determining the next state senator.
In its latest advertising campaign, the Republican nominee Sharron Angle increases attention to the rise in unemployment during the year Harry Reid, Senator.

NT rate in Nevada, only 4.4 per cent, when Democrat Reid became majority leader, and now this figure had grown to 14 percent, surpassing Michigan, Nevada, making the state with the largest unemployment rates in the United States.

In a live talk show "Face to Face with John Ralston, Angle stated that its solution to the problem of unemployment is the reduction of unemployment benefits.

"The truth about it is that they keep the spread of unemployment benefits to the point where people are afraid to go out and get a job because it does not pay as long as unemployment benefits," she said. "What we need to do is that unemployment benefits and go down, not only to remove social security from them until they go out and look for work.

In addition to using data on unemployment as a political weapon, Angle previously raised $ 2.29 million in 42 days. Amanda Kornegay, director of financial angle, said that she "never seen such momentum for a candidate for such a short period of time."

However, Reed is competent to vote, thanks in part to support Obama. President and Reid said they will cooperate to help boost the economy in Nevada again.

"I'm not going to be satisfied, and Harry Reid will not be satisfied until everyone who wants a job in Nevada have a job," Obama said in his speech in Las Vegas. "We want Nevada to be in motion. We want to dream of Las Vegas to become a reality. We have a lot of work to do."

Reid also released ads attacking point of the corner to destroy Social Security and Medicare. 4 times elected senator is not the only person who believes that ideas are radical jaw.

According to a recent poll, Nevada Democrat, Angle locked in relation to lead Reid's. Sept. Reid 44 percent to 37 percent lead in the corners.
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